Monday 2 November 2009


Matthew pushed Becky on the floor on the evening of the 31st October 2009. She now has a bruise on her knee.

This is appauling behaviour.

Love Joe.


I believe that this is an amazing song. Despite the fact that I do not think I have ever ever heard it before.


Blog you later


Monday 19 October 2009


We're all X Factor Fever in ICT Club today.. while we learn about embedding videos!

The twins were horrific, right?

Well, I'm a lover of Stacey, to be honest, so here is my favourite youtube video of her:

Blog you later!
- Joe

Week 3


What are your feelings about this perfomance?

Monday 12 October 2009

ICT Club Week 2

Well...we are one minute in and so far nobody we have two members from Year 10 which is really good, however we are hopeful that there will be more members soon as the previous blog mentioned our teacher said that she had some interested people.

If anyone is watching this please come along - it is really fun and we will teach you to create a blog and other useful and fun things :)

We will keep you updated throughout the session if anything changes

Blog you later (Y)

Helena (who also cares) and Becky


ICT Club Pre Week 2

This morning we received this email from our ICT teacher who had been asking her other classes if they were interested because our previous attempts were unsuccessful.

From the email, it looks like we will have some new members. We will have to wait and see if they are true to their word.

From: Corneby Mrs K
Sent: 12 October 2009 09:27
To: HESKETT Jack; HESKETT Joseph; SILVER Helena; WOOLSTON Rebecca; CHAPMAN Rebecca
Subject: ICT Club - Today

I had some year 10s asking me if they could come to ICT club today so I said yes, it looks like you might have some people there today

Mrs Corneby


Blog you later (Y)

Becky and Becky - (the only members that care and made the effort!)


Monday 5 October 2009

ICT Club Week 1

Nobody turned up, what a shame.

We concluded that it was not publicised well enough and for next week we will try to make people be more aware that it is running.

We had planned to teach them how to use Blogger and in the first session we were going to set up their blog pages. With the following sessions to focus on adding in extras such as photos, formatting and editing their posts and possibly teaching them simple HTML code.

Blog you later (Y)

Helena, Becky, Becky, Jack (Joe was absent from the session - not a good example for the Year 7, 8 and 9!)
